Online PDF to ODP converter

Converting PDF files to ODP

Choose file
Drop your file here
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How to convert PDF to ODP?

step 1
step 1
Select the PDF file or drag it onto the page.
step 2
step 2
Select a ODP you want to convert the PDF file into (more than 50 supported formats).
step 3
step 3
Select the desired orientation, page size, and other conversion options if needed.
step 4
step 4
Wait for your converted file in ODP format to download or export it to Dropbox or Google Drive.

OpenDocument Presentation File

🔺 CorelWordPerfect
🔺 OpenOffice Impress
🔺 KOffice
🔺 NeoOffice
🔺 Lotus Symphony
🔺 StarOffice
Developer🔺 Sun Microsystems and Oasis
Main program🔺 OpenOffice Impress
MIME type🔺 application/x-vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation / application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation
Description🔺 The .odp format, OpenDocument Presentation, is a widely accepted file type for crafting and modifying presentations. Part of the OpenDocument family, it's supported by software like LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice.

In .odp files, users can design slides with text, images, animations, and multimedia, catering to diverse needs such as business meetings, education, and creativity.

Compatibility across software ensures .odp presentations can be accessed, edited, and shared on different platforms, promoting collaboration and communication.

.odp supports slide transitions, master slides, and speaker notes, elevating the presentation experience. These features contribute to professional and engaging slideshows.

Yet, challenges may arise regarding compatibility with Microsoft PowerPoint, a prevalent software. While .odp files can often be opened in PowerPoint and converted, some formatting and features might not transfer perfectly.

In essence, .odp fosters versatile and collaborative presentations. Its adherence to open standards and compatibility with varied software cements its value in designing engaging slideshows for diverse purposes.

About our service

How to use
How to use
Drag your PDF file onto the page and select the actions you want to perform with it. You can convert your PDF file to other formats, reduce the size of the PDF, merge several PDF files into one, or split into several separate files. All services are free and work online, you do not need to install anything on your computer.
You do not need to worry about file security.
You do not need to worry about file security.
Your downloaded files will be deleted immediately after conversion, and converted files will be deleted after 24 hours. All files are protected from access by third parties, no one except you can access them.
PDF converter for all platforms
PDF converter for all platforms works in all browsers and on all platforms. You can convert, connect, rotate, split PDF files without the need to download and install programs.
Quality assurance
Quality assurance
Test and see for yourself! To ensure best quality of PDF conversion — the best solution provider on the market.
Convert PDF files to various formats
Convert PDF files to various formats
Convert your images, documents and spreadsheets to PDF and vice versa. We support more than 120 directions of converting from PDF.
Access from anywhere
Access from anywhere
Our PDF converter can be used wherever there is Internet access. The conversion process takes place in the cloud and does not consume the resources of your device.
Service rating:
Average: 4.3 (1414 Votes)